The Baltimore Limb Deformity Course needed an eye-catching poster to help its doctor guests quickly check which lab demonstration they were attending on a given day. With all of the other conventions constantly happening at the Marriott hotel, I wanted the docs to know which informational poser applied to them from across the room and therefore used the large images of medical tools to organize my chart.
I'm a designer, painter, and recent graduate of the Maryland Institute College of Art living in Baltimore.
My design is informed by art history and the handmade because I was in love with Goya, Hammershøi, and Bellows long before I found affection for Dwiggins or Glaser. Type design and lettering enthrall me more than any other aspect of graphic design and I think it’s because the product is a tool as well as an object of beauty. Type draws on the history of media, eliciting specific, often subconscious responses from readers.
Also, an honest profile of myself would not be complete without mention of my love for cooking. I'm usually thinking about Saturday’s dinner while eating Thursday’s lunch.